2024 Partner Plan Act Conference – Equity from the Start: Strengthening Relationships for Systems Change
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Save The Date!
The CS3 team is excited to announce this year’s PPA Conference will be held virtually across three days – May 6th, 7th, and 8th, 2025! The theme of this year’s conference is Equity from the Start: Interdependent Self and Community Care. Join us for engaging discussions, insightful sessions, and networking opportunities.
Stay tuned for exciting conference updates!
The PPA conference brings together early childhood leaders, school districts, program staff, and others to learn, network, and deepen their community systems knowledge and skills. Workshop topics from previous years include effective strategies for supporting priority populations, essential mindsets and practices for leading community systems development, coordinated intake systems, family engagement, and much more. A core theme and value of PPA conferences is racial equity which is embedded throughout the conference design and experience.
For detailed information, see instructions in the RFP application.
Proposals can be to partnerplanact@actforchildren.org with the subject line ““Workshop Proposal – [Workshop Title] for 2025 PPA Conference” by December 16, 2024. For additional information or questions please contact Deb Hwang at deborah.hwang@actforchildren.org.
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